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Version: 4.0

Play Buttons

UI often needs to display a Play button that changes between three states:

  1. Play
  2. Pause
  3. Spinner (e.g. if playback is being attempted, but sound is paused due to buffering)

Implementing this correctly will take a bit of care. For instance, usePlaybackState can return State.Buffering even if playback is currently paused. usePlayWhenReady is one way to check if the player is attempting to play, but can return true even if PlaybackState is State.Error or State.Ended.

To determine how to render a Play button in its three states correctly, do the following:

  • Render the button as a spinner if playWhenReady and state === State.Loading || state === State.Buffering
  • Else render the button as being in the Playing state if playWhenReady && !(state === State.Error || state === State.Buffering)
  • Otherwise render the button as being in the Paused state

To help with this logic, the API has two utilities:

  1. The useIsPlaying() hook. This returns {playing: boolean | undefined, bufferingDuringPlay: boolean | undefined}, which you can consult to render your play button correctly. You should render a spinner if bufferingDuringPlay === true; otherwise render according to playing. Values are undefined if the player isn't yet in a state where they can be determined.
  2. The async isPlaying() function, which returns the same result as useIsPlaying(), but can be used outside of React components (i.e. without hooks). Note that you can't easily just instead call getPlaybackState() to determine the same answer, unless you've accounted for the issues mentioned above.