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Version: 4.0


All Capability types are made available through the named export Capability:

import { Capability } from 'react-native-track-player';
PlayCapability indicating the ability to play
PlayFromIdCapability indicating the ability to play from a track id (Required for Android Auto)
PlayFromSearchCapability indicating the ability to play from a text/voice search (Required for Android Auto)
PauseCapability indicating the ability to pause
StopCapability indicating the ability to stop (on iOS available only for tracks where .isLiveStream is true)
SeekToCapability indicating the ability to seek to a position in the timeline
SkipCapability indicating the ability to skip to any song in the queue
SkipToNextCapability indicating the ability to skip to the next track
SkipToPreviousCapability indicating the ability to skip to the previous track
SetRatingCapability indicating the ability to set the rating value based on the rating type
JumpForwardCapability indicating the ability to jump forward by the amount of seconds specified in the options
JumpBackwardCapability indicating the ability to jump backward by the amount of seconds specified in the options
Like(ios-only) Capability indicating the ability to like from control center
Dislike(ios-only) Capability indicating the ability to dislike from control center
Bookmark(ios-only) Capability indicating the ability to bookmark from control center