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Version: 3.2

Migrating from v2 to v3

Due to how Android handles foreground services, it's not possible for us to stop the process manually, as it's waiting for the foreground service to come back. With v3 we are introducing the following changes related to this:

  • On Android, the audio service can't be manually stopped by the app anymore. The OS itself decides when to stop it.
  • An audio control notification will always be present (depending on phone vendor, this would look and behave differently), which allows users to quickly go back to the app by tapping on it.

The full changelog of added features and bug fixes can be found here.

When migrating from v2 to v3, the following has changed:

API Changes

stopWithApp is now android.appKilledPlaybackBehavior

// Methods
await TrackPlayer.updateOptions({
- stopWithApp: true,
+ android: {
+ appKilledPlaybackBehavior: AppKilledPlaybackBehavior.ContinuePlayback
+ }

destroy and stop have been removed

// remove all usages of `.destroy()` and `.stop()`
- TrackPlayer.destroy();
- TrackPlayer.stop();

Configuration Changes

track-player.json / Build Preferences no longer needed

HLS, Dash, & Smoothstreaming are now supported on Android out of the box. You can remove your track-player.json file if you have one. You still need to ensure that the correct type is specified on your Track object.

- track-player.json

Minimum Compile/Target SDK

You also need to have a minimum compile & target SDK of 31 (Android 12)

// android/build.gradle
compileSdkVersion = 31
targetSdkVersion = 31